.. image:: img/NeXus.png :width: 40% ======================================= User Manual and Reference Documentation ======================================= http://www.nexusformat.org/ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: 4 user_manual examples/index ref_doc napi community installation utilities history docs_about ----------- .. rubric:: Publishing Information This manual built |today|. .. seealso:: This document is available in different formats: :online HTML: http://download.nexusformat.org/doc/html/index.html :PDF: :download:`nexus.pdf` (available via online HTML link above) A very brief overview is also available (separate from the manual). :HTML: http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/nexusformat/communications/blob/master/impatient/_build/html/index.html .. Suggestions for adding to this manual: Look for some other "section" such as "introduction.rst" and act similarly. Any examples go as text files in the examples/ subdirectory and are pulled into Sphinx inside a :directive:`literalcode` directive. Look for the pattern or wing it. If you are ambitious, add index entries. Many examples of the constructs you might use are already in the manual.