================ Revision History ================ .. index:: ! revision history Browse the most recent Issues on the GitHub repository: https://github.com/nexusformat/definitions/pulse/weekly .. .. tabularcolumns:: |l|l|L|l| +-------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ | date | release | description | initials | +=============+===============+===================================================================================+==========+ | 2014-08 | .. | Fewer toc levels. Updates, clarifications, removal of legacy ballast. | JWu | | | | Reformatted class structure trees. Revised index. | | +-------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ | 2012-09 | .. | Documentation converted from DocBook to Sphinx. Manual back to a single volume. | PRJ | +-------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ | 2012-05 | 3.1 | Ready for release. | PRJ | +-------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ | 2012-02 | .. | Now using cmake to control multiplatform build and packaging. | PRJ | +-------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ | 2011-11 | 1.0b | Preparing manual for initial release. | PRJ | | | | Also preparing to convert manual source from | | | | | DocBook to Sphinx for next release of manual. | | +-------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ | 2010-11 | draft | Nearly complete but still much finishing work remains. | PRJ | | | | The description of dimensions and the description of the | | | | | coordinate system needs major revision and improvement. | | | | | More examples are needed. | | | | | The manual is now divided into two volumes. | | | | | Volume I is the User Manual, Volume II is the Reference Documentation. | | | | | Much of the NXDL chapter in Volume II is autogenerated from the | | | | | ``nxdl.xsd`` Schema | | | | | and the NXDL source files. | | | | | | | | | | Initial release of NXDL, manual, and next release of NAPI (compatibility release) | | | | | expected in mid-2011. | | +-------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ | 2010 spring | initial draft | Most of the content from the old NeXus mediawiki documentation is included. | PRJ | | | | Some new wiki content has been introduced but should be easy to | | | | | identify for inclusion in the manual. | | +-------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ | 2009-11 | | Started conversion from the old NeXus mediawiki documentation. | PFP | +-------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+