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3.5.12. NXsnshistoΒΆ


contributed definition, extends NXobject, version 1.0


This is a definition for histogram data from Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at ORNL.


No symbol table
Groups cited:
NXaperture, NXattenuator, NXcollection, NXcrystal, NXdata, NXdetector, NXdisk_chopper, NXentry, NXfermi_chopper, NXgeometry, NXinstrument, NXlog, NXmoderator, NXmonitor, NXnote, NXorientation, NXpolarizer, NXpositioner, NXsample, NXshape, NXsource, NXtranslation, NXuser


(entry): NXentry

collection_identifier: NX_CHAR

collection_title: NX_CHAR

definition: NX_CHAR

Official NXDL schema after this file goes to applications.

Obligatory value: NXsnshisto

duration: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_TIME}

end_time: NX_DATE_TIME

entry_identifier: NX_CHAR

experiment_identifier: NX_CHAR

notes: NX_CHAR

proton_charge: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_CHARGE}

raw_frames: NX_INT

run_number: NX_CHAR

start_time: NX_DATE_TIME

title: NX_CHAR

total_counts: NX_UINT {units=NX_UNITLESS}

total_uncounted_counts: NX_UINT {units=NX_UNITLESS}

DASlogs: NXcollection

Details of all logs, both from cvinfo file and from HistoTool (frequency and proton_charge).

(log): NXlog

average_value: NX_FLOAT

average_value_error: NX_FLOAT

description: NX_CHAR

duration: NX_FLOAT

maximum_value: NX_FLOAT

minimum_value: NX_FLOAT

time[nvalue]: NX_FLOAT

value[nvalue]: NX_FLOAT

(positioner): NXpositioner

Motor logs from cvinfo file.

average_value: NX_FLOAT

average_value_error: NX_FLOAT

description: NX_CHAR

duration: NX_FLOAT

maximum_value: NX_FLOAT

minimum_value: NX_FLOAT

time[numvalue]: NX_FLOAT

value[numvalue]: NX_FLOAT

SNSHistoTool: NXnote

SNSbanking_file_name: NX_CHAR

SNSmapping_file_name: NX_CHAR

author: NX_CHAR

command1: NX_CHAR

Command string for event2histo_nxl.

date: NX_CHAR

description: NX_CHAR

version: NX_CHAR

(data): NXdata

data –> /NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector/data

data_x_time_of_flight –> /NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector/data_x_time_of_flight

data_x_y –> /NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector/data_x_y

data_y_time_of_flight –> /NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector/data_y_time_of_flight

pixel_id –> /NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector/pixel_id

time_of_flight –> /NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector/time_of_flight

total_counts –> /NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector/total_counts

x_pixel_offset –> /NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector/x_pixel_offset

y_pixel_offset –> /NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector/y_pixel_offset

instrument: NXinstrument

SNSdetector_calibration_id: NX_CHAR

Detector calibration id from DAS.

SNSgeometry_file_name: NX_CHAR

SNStranslation_service: NX_CHAR

beamline: NX_CHAR

name: NX_CHAR

SNS: NXsource

frequency: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_FREQUENCY}

name: NX_CHAR

probe: NX_CHAR

type: NX_CHAR

(detector): NXdetector

azimuthal_angle[numx, numy]: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_ANGLE}

data[numx, numy, numtof]: NX_UINT

data_x_time_of_flight[numx, numtof]: NX_UINT

data_x_y[numx, numy]: NX_UINT

data_y_time_of_flight[numy, numtof]: NX_UINT

distance[numx, numy]: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

pixel_id[numx, numy]: NX_UINT

polar_angle[numx, numy]: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_ANGLE}

time_of_flight[numtof + 1]: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_TIME_OF_FLIGHT}

total_counts: NX_UINT

x_pixel_offset[numx]: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

y_pixel_offset[numy]: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

origin: NXgeometry

orientation: NXorientation

value[6]: NX_FLOAT

Six out of nine rotation parameters.

shape: NXshape

description: NX_CHAR

shape: NX_CHAR

size[3]: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

translation: NXtranslation

distance[3]: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

(disk_chopper): NXdisk_chopper

Original specification called for NXchopper, which is not a valid NeXus base class. Select either NXdisk_chopper or NXfermi_chopper, as appropriate.

distance: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

(fermi_chopper): NXfermi_chopper

Original specification called for NXchopper, which is not a valid NeXus base class. Select either NXdisk_chopper or NXfermi_chopper, as appropriate.

distance: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

moderator: NXmoderator

coupling_material: NX_CHAR

distance: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

temperature: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_TEMPERATURE}

type: NX_CHAR

(aperture): NXaperture

x_pixel_offset: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

origin: NXgeometry

orientation: NXorientation

value[6]: NX_FLOAT

Six out of nine rotation parameters.

shape: NXshape

description: NX_CHAR

shape: NX_CHAR

size[3]: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

translation: NXtranslation

distance[3]: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

(attenuator): NXattenuator

distance: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

(polarizer): NXpolarizer

(crystal): NXcrystal

type: NX_CHAR

wavelength: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_WAVELENGTH}

origin: NXgeometry

description: NX_CHAR

orientation: NXorientation

value[6]: NX_FLOAT

Six out of nine rotation parameters.

shape: NXshape

description: NX_CHAR

shape: NX_CHAR

size: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

translation: NXtranslation

distance[3]: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

(monitor): NXmonitor

data[numtimechannels]: NX_UINT

distance: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}

mode: NX_CHAR

time_of_flight[numtimechannels + 1]: NX_FLOAT {units=NX_TIME}

sample: NXsample

changer_position: NX_CHAR

holder: NX_CHAR

identifier: NX_CHAR

name: NX_CHAR

Descriptive name of sample

nature: NX_CHAR

(user): NXuser

facility_user_id: NX_CHAR

name: NX_CHAR

role: NX_CHAR

Automatically generated from